What is Skin Lightening?
What is skin lightening?
Hydroquinone is the active ingredient in HydroPro-X. It is a drug that is frequently called the Gold Standard in dermatology for lightening skin. Hydroquinone is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme Tyrosinase. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of Melanin from the amino acid Tyrosine. Hydroquinone closely resembles this amino acid. It binds to the Tyrosinase active site and deactivates it. The result is a smaller amount of active enzymes and therefore a reduced Melanin production capacity. This leads to the lightening of skin that will be subsequently formed since the newer cells will have less melanin. HydroPro-X also contains ingredients like Vitamin C which inhibits multiple other pathways of Melanogenesis.
Skin bleaching vs Skin Skin Lightening
In some skin lighteners the active ingredients are steroids and mercury which can damage skin cell membranes in an attempt to reduce melanin in cells that have already been keratinzed (deposited with melanin and keratin protein). However, this damages the skin integrity and causes many adverse side effects. Mercury is a toxic agent that can cause serious psychiatric, neurological, and kidney problems. Pregnant women who use a skin lightener with mercury can pass the mercury to their unborn child. Skin bleaching is dangerous and not effective. None of our products contain agents that dissolve pigment or "bleaches" the skin.
Factors that affect the Skin Lightening Process
Sunlight and Hydroquinone
Hydroquinone is very sensitive to sunlight. This is why our serum is shipped in an amber bottle. The molecule rapidly becomes less stable in sunlight and quickly degrades. Therefore, HydroPro-X should not be worn in direct sunlight for more than 10 minutes. When lightening the skin, it is advisable that if you are unable to avoid direct sunlight during the day, then use skin lightening products at night only.
Sensitivity during skin lightening
While skin is being treated, it is expected to have some level of sensitivity. Some redness or peeling should be expected. When using HydroPro-X in combination with Tretinoin, this sensitivity will be more pronounced.
Skin thickness
Different parts of your body have different thicknesses of skin and hence will reach at different rates. The skin on your face and arms for example, is thinner than the rest of your body. These regions will lighten quicker. We recommend alternating usage to ensure a consistent result.
Learn More about what to expect when using HydroPro-X for skin lightening.