Sun damage is one of the many causes of uneven skin tones and daily sunscreen helps to prevent those effects. One of the most obvious and notable benefits of sunscreen is that it protects your skin against the sun’s broad spectrum of harmful UV rays. Sunscreen actually minimizes the penetration of UV rays into the skin and the triggering of a variety of skin disorders. Even the mildest of sunburns can have damaging effects so it is important to protect your skin.
Helps Protect Against The Visible Signs of Premature Aging We all want youthful, radiant, and healthy looking skin. But overexposure to sunlight can increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In other words, using sunscreen can help protect against the harmful effects of premature aging or skin aging. Reduces Risk of Cancer Fortunately, sunscreen is very effective in reducing the risk of developing a variety of skin cancers, especially melanoma. This type of skin cancer is known to be extremely aggressive and can be life-threatening for many women, particularly those in their 20s. However, you must apply sunscreen daily to see the cumulative protection over the days and months.
Healthy Skin Overall Michelle stresses to her clients that “skin is healthier overall when you use sunscreen.” Essential proteins in the skin like keratin are protected when sunscreen is applied. These proteins are primarily responsible for keeping the skin smooth and healthy both in appearance and function.